

Picture of Lucia Vaira
by Lucia Vaira - Friday, 16 April 2021, 5:48 PM

MEDREGION (Support Mediterranean Member States towards the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive new GES Decision and programs of measures and contribute to regional/subregional cooperation) is a project funded by the European Commission - General Directorate for the Environment which starts on February 1st 2019 with the main objective of supporting the competent authorities of the Member States by guiding their cooperation in implementing the Framework Directive on the Strategy for the Marine Environment (2008/56 / EC).

The partnership, coordinated by HCMR (Greece) includes institutes, research centers and competent authorities for the Marine Strategy belonging to the Member States of the "Mediterranean Sea" region: AZTI and IEO (Spain); IFREMER and Plan Bleu (France); IOF and MEE (Croatia); ISPRA-SNPA, University of Salento, University of Venice, OGS, CORILA and MATTM (Italy); IzVRS, NIB and MOP (Slovenia); NKUA and SSW (Greece); RAC / SPA (Tunisia); CAs.